The UnSolved Mysteries of Life.I was in a discussion with my friends where one friend was asking, if I have some questions that are unanswered, untold, may be irrelevant…Mar 6, 2023Mar 6, 2023
Understand Docker File content |Upgrade base CentOS Image | Create Docker File |Create tomcat…Before we start creating a docker file, let’s understand what is docker file, docker file syntax and Docker image?Jun 22, 2021Jun 22, 2021
Docker Installation on Linux MachineDocker is an opensource platform for developing, shipping and running applications in containerize. Docker enables you to separate your…Jun 22, 2021Jun 22, 2021
Docker hub sign up and pull image from docker hub & push customize image to run the containerSign up with docker hub account- by using your personal ID (Gmail/outlook/yahoo..etc or by using corporate email ID if in case your…Dec 22, 2020Dec 22, 2020
Ansible:- Variable format, Precedence, jinja2 and various method to define the variables in…While automation exists to make it easier to make things repeatable, it also require to develop the reusable code by defining the…Aug 5, 2020Aug 5, 2020
What if Ansible target Nodes do not have Python installed?Now a days most CI/CD pipelines are integrated with Ansible to perform configuration and management tasks, since ansible is very easy to…Jul 27, 2020Jul 27, 2020